Discover Downtown

  • Beauty & Aesthetics

    Indulge in beauty and personalized aesthetics at our shops, where luxury meets innovation for a uniquely radiant experience.

  • The Arden Theatre


    Lots of fun! From singing karaoke at Gracie Janes to the Arden Theatre, so much fun to be had in the Perron District.

  • Arts & Heritage Foundation of St. Albert

    Food & Drink

    Downtown St. Albert has a great assortment of local bars & eateries that are sure to fill your palette with great flavor.

  • Healthcare & Medical

    Residents have access to a wide range of medical services, including clinics and specialized healthcare providers

  • Professionals

    Explore our comprehensive range of professional services, tailored to meet your every need with precision, care, and commitment.

  • Retail


    In St. Albert, retail shops line charming streets, offering everything from quaint boutiques to modern stores.

Perron District

Located in the heart of St. Albert in the Perron District, you can discover some of the city’s most outstanding local establishments, including independent restaurants, coffee shops, art galleries, boutiques, and premium services.